Diabetes Definition


Diabetes is a disease of carbohydrate metabolism characterized by abnormally high concentrations of blood glucose. In the most severe cases the body’s ability to metabolize blood glucose from any source including that which is produced in the liver is injured or completely absent. In untreated or improperly treated subjects diabetes can also become a disease of lipid metabolism.


Diabetes is brought on by:

Excessive dietary carbohydrate consumption leading to obesity and metabolic injury:

An autoimmune event triggered by excessive dietary carbohydrate consumption, genetic abnormalities, toxic exposure, or a combination of these factors:


Mild cases of diabetes have been treated or cured successfully for millenia with a high fat, high protein, low carbohydrate diet. Since the 1920’s moderate and even severe diabetes has also been treated successfully with medication including injected insulin in conjunction with a high fat, high protein, low carbohydrate diet. Mild, moderate, and severe diabetes is now usually treated less successfully with medication in conjunction with a low fat, low protein, high carbohydrate diet.  Increased activity is also used to treat some cases of diabetes along with diet or diet and medication particularly in cases where obesity brought on by dietary imbalance is the driving underlying etiology.

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